Case Study

March for Science


Launching a Global Movement for Science

What we did

Paid Media
Social Media
Creative Services
Website Development

As the largest network of science advocates, the March for Science works to support evidence and science-based public policies. The organization’s founding vision was to build a wide-reaching movement improving access to science. Today, the group is a global community of scientists, science advocates, teachers, students, workers, parents, and youth building a mass movement for science and a more sustainable, just world.


...estimated attendance globally.
1 M+
...cities participating through satellite marches.
0 + donations raised.
$ 0 k addresses collected.
0 k impressions.
0 B

The Challenge

The organization anchored its efforts in advocating for the application of science that strengthens human rights, addresses injustices, and improves conditions for all species to thrive. They aimed to mobilize advocates around the world in support of evidence-based, science-informed public policies.

However, March for Science organizers faced significant gaps in political organizing, including logistical expertise and organizational structure, which severely limited the scale of their impact. As climate change became a hot button topic and federal leaders delayed decisive action, the team needed a partner who could amplify their voices and unite local and global advocates.

The Solution

In collaboration with a curated team of experts, Social Revolt streamlined processes across digital, operations, and political communications. These efforts positioned the team to better leverage the engagement and passion of their growing supporters. This expanded the broader progressive message into sustained political action.

The inaugural March for Science was held on April 22, 2017 in Washington, D.C., along with 600 other cities worldwide. That year, global attendance was estimated at 1.07 million. Following the march, the organizers of the March for Science encouraged people to undertake a “Week of Action” with an outline of daily steps. We continued to lead the movement’s digital and brand strategy via the organization’s website, social, and paid media efforts.