Case Study

Envoy Air


Taking The World’s Largest Regional Airline to New Heights

What we did

Paid Media
Search Engine Marketing
Programmatic Advertising
Creative Services

Envoy Air is American Airlines Group’s largest regional carrier, flying under the banner of American Eagle. The number of U.S. airline passengers increased by more than 560% in 2021, while the commercial airline industry was still recovering from the sweeping 30% loss in workforce in 2020. This disparity for American Airlines also impacted its regional carriers whose flow-through programs account for a significant percentage of their new hire candidates. 

Social Revolt became an integrated partner for Envoy Air as its agency of record.


Conversions Over Previous Year
+ 0 %
Pilot Applicants from Previous Year
+ 0 %
Increase in Applicant-to-Hire Ratio
+ 0 %
Increase Site Traffic from Previous Year
+ 0 %

Case Study

The Challenge

Envoy Air relied heavily on traditional and costly in-person recruiting events. It needed to re-engineer its recruiting strategy to include new channels, messaging, and reach qualified audiences.

Envoy Air needed a strategic marketing plan to develop a consistent pipeline of qualified pilot, mechanic, and customer service applicants at a lower cost than in-person recruiting efforts, in an effort to raise its ROI.

The Solution

Social Revolt expanded Envoy Air’s marketing programs by introducing new capabilities, an expansive list of new partners, and scaling enterprise recruiting functions for its in-house communications team. 

Social Revolt conducted a detailed content audit and market analysis to inform the messaging, positioning, and medium for key job recruiting messages. We divided the campaigns by job responsibility across Search, Social, Programmatic, and OOH based on targeting capabilities.

Minnette Velez-Conty


“We appreciate the partnership with Social Revolt and for stepping up to support our social media and marketing needs in a critical time for the airline industry. The team was always ready and had the best attitude towards new challenges.”